Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Circus day 4

Circus school day 4 was a blast. The first half was stilts and the second half aerial stuff. The stilts were awesome-I am actually pretty comfortable on them now. I also got some shorter ones as opposed to last week since I seem to be more comfortable on shorter ones. I can do half grapevines, turn, walk backwards a bit, shuffle sideways, and not fall over. It was amusing.

The aerial was fun. I am pretty certain I pulled my left calf muscle in conditioning Sunday so there was one trapeze trick I didn't do because I couldn't trust my leg to hold. I enjoyed fabric, but the things we did were much simpler than what I did in Cathy Gauche's class. She had a way of tying the knots without having to use another extremity. I will spend some time figuring it out before class next week because it is really bugging me. I suspect she isn't a full expert on this and it makes me sad.

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