Friday, May 23, 2008

Circus day 2

Day two, yesterday, was pretty awesome. After the warmup, the first class was stilts. If you don't know, I am absolutely terrified of heights. I volunteered to go up first in my group of three (one person up, two spotters egging you on). I froze and got the deer-in-the-headlights look. Within five minutes, I was tottering around the room. They were impressed at how quickly I got over my terror. I was impressed that I didn't die. It was pretty fun. The way to get down is to fall on your knees (kneepads on of course). I was glad I keep my derby gear in my car-my kneepads are fantastic. The other two girls did better than me (partially because they didn't waste time being terrified). It was a lot of fun. One of them accidentally knocked a big metal thing on my head when we were next to a big tall cabinet that she was leaning against, but it wasn't intentional. I cried tears, but mainly from the shock of being slammed in the head than anything. I was embarrassed by all the attention which I dispersed as quickly as I could, refused the ice, and we kept moving. I have a bump on my head this morning, but we fuss in our society far too much about bumps and bruises. I wanted to play!

The second class was clowning. Clowning is the art of creating a fantasy world and making people believe in it. The type of clowning we are going to do does not involve wigs, paint, or shoes. It involves creating a world for our audience to believe in complete with its rules. You have to stick to your own rules, so be careful trying this. ;) Our task was to find a way off of a chair using clown logic. I painted someone in the air to lift me down. [info]goddess_ironica found the problem with getting off the chair to be that the floor was far too hot. She eventually licked her feet in a ridiculous manner and ran out of the room. There were some other skits, some with the problem of sticking to the chair. All were hilarious. And, as a bonus, I didn't get hit in the head!

EDIT: I've never seen such a large group of people with positive attitudes as these girls. They are all sweet and friendly and just them. We admire each other and cheer each other on. It is an entirely new experience for me.

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